About Us


In any business, information is the solitary valuable asset. In each and every department, for any company, information is critical. The key behind success can be the type of information provided to people and company. Information is the best channel that allows people to see the best route for improving products and services, understanding markets, improving processes and communication. Website is the place where an individual or company can gather information of products and services provided by any particular organization or institution.

Why a Website is essential for your business?

It shares information on News and Events happening in an organization It differentiates between the type of products and services provided by the organization and its competitors It is the easiest way to reach people who think of making a challenging career within the organization These are a few benefits in having a Website; actual advantages can be seen when used in real-time.

Sankalp Design's has a team of specialists in website development and takes great pride in attaining most favorable performance in customer's website by not only investigating the webpage performance, but also checking the configuration settings such as the meta-data tags and also examining the webpage blueprint with database connectivity for obtaining the best performance results. The proficiency of the team at Sankalp Design's not only concentrates on performance of the website but also ensures the security. The wise approach by our team also ensures that the website is secured in terms of disaster recovery or any other areas.

We provide complete solutions for website development & support. We provide assistance to the web team as a back-end support. We configure the client's Web Pages and manage backup recovery with monthly health check up to the client's Website.

We work with great zeal and creativity to provide the best solution to our customers. In the beginning of the project, we work with our customers to identify the content and layout of the website. The team at Sankalp Design's has in-depth knowledge in website development and suggests the best alternatives to our customers.


All successful projects depend on well-defined and established methodologies. At Sankalp Design's we follow a time-tested procedure to make sure no aspect of your project lifecycle is left unattended. Whether it's a one-page website or an e-commerce website project handling thousands of products and thousands of customers our every project goes through the following stages:

Goals and needs analysis : Having dealt with scores of businesses, our team of Internet professionals can help you figure out what kind of web solution you or your business needs. You tell us what you want and what you don't want; we'll tell you what we can deliver and what we cannot (almost an impossibility). Once we know what you want and what goals you and your team have in mind we can move forward with a clear vision.

Sample layouts : We use your goals as guidance while creating sample layouts and demo web applications. Samples and demos help you see where we are heading too. Changes can be quickly implemented if you want them.

Your approval : Your approval makes sure we are both on the same plain. It also saves lots of money and effort because then we both know how things are materializing.

Writing markup and code : This is where the soul of your web application is born. All that has been discussed, all that has been approved, begins to manifest in this stage. All the code and markup is written using the strictest rules and every procedure is well-documented.

Testing and debugging : Every module is thoroughly tested and debugged during this stage. This is a non-linear stage -- that is, coding and debugging sometimes happens simultaneously.

Deployment : After your final approval we upload all the files under your chosen domain and your web application starts working. Congratulations! After this if you desire -- we strongly recommend it -- you can sign us up for a maintenance contract.

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